Book Review: Angel Falls

angel_falls_smAngel Falls by Kristin Hannah is a fast-paced story of depth, a story of love between husband and wife, love between parents and children, and passionate love that sometimes turns into regret.

When Mikaela Campbell lapses into a coma after a horse-back riding accident, her doctor-husband, Liam, is beside himself with grief and worry. He knows how serious this type of brain injury can be. Their two children are frightened and confused with their mother unresponsive and away from home.

While Mikaela is in the coma, her family rallies to help. Her mother comes to take care of the family. Liam spends hours, days, talking, reading, playing music to his comatose wife, hoping to bring her back to consciousness,

Mikaela never wanted to discuss her previous marriage. Her daughter was four when Liam and Mikaela were married ten years ago, and they have a son, now 9. While searching for something in their closet, Liam stumbles across evidence that his wife’s previous marriage was to world-famous actor Julian True. Desperate to bring his wife back, Liam turns to her ex-husband for help. He knows what a chance he’s taking, but love for his wife overrides his own happiness.

Angel Falls is a poignant story about love and commitment. The author’s characterization and sense of place is superb. This novel is more than a love story, it’s a story of hope, faith, and commitment.

To learn more about the author, visit

Book Review: Getting Stoned with Savages: A Trip Through the Islands of Fiji and Vanuatu

Getting Stoned with SavagesJ. Maarten Troost’s Getting Stoned with Savages provided hours of fun as I vicariously traveled along with him to the South Pacific island nations of Vanuatu and Fiji.

When Troost’s wife accepts a job offer in Vanuatu, they jump at the chance to revisit the South Pacific. Their previous adventure to the Republic of Kiribati resulted in his first book, The Sex Lives of Cannibals. This next venture led to another set of Oceania misadventures and ironic twists of fate.

Although it sounds idealistic, actually living in Vanuatu on the rugged island of Efate, while it has its pleasures, can be plagued with typhoons, frequent earthquakes, and giant centipedes. Troost brings hilarity into his account with an impressive command of narrative and place. The title of the book refers to the use of kava, a potent drink used for medicinal, religious, political, cultural and social purposes throughout the South Pacific. While not available for recreational use in many countries, including the United States, in Vanuatu it is apparently abundant. Its use and misuse brings lively accounts of the bitter muddy-looking drink.

When Troost’s wife becomes pregnant, they move to Fiji for its more comprehensive medical facilities. While in Fiji the author delves into the incongruities of tribal politics. He has a deep curiosity of cannibalism and learns surprising facts, primarily that it isn’t restricted to being only an ancient custom. Cannibalism has occurred within native people’s memories.

I greatly enjoyed this travel book. Although we sailed through the South Pacific, Vanuatu and Fiji weren’t on our itinerary. In any event, it takes living and working in a place to really know it and its people. Troost’s account, with his sly self-depreciating humor, makes for a lively, fun read.

Book Review: A Man of His Own

A Man of His Own


Susan Wilson’s novel, A Man of His Own, delves into a dog’s world and shows the powerful connection between dog and man.

Rick Stanton is out with his fellow baseball players, relaxing at a neighborhood tavern. He steps outside and a little stray pup, apparently a German shepherd mix, appears out of the darkness. The two quickly become attached. The pup adopts Rick and enjoys having this young bachelor all to himself.

When Francesca comes into their lives, it isn’t love at first sight for the dog, Pax, but once Francesca and Rick are married, he accepts her as family, though the dog still treasures the time when he has Rick to himself.

Rick’s ambition as a baseball pitcher for the majors is put on hold when he’s drafted into the Army and sent to Europe. Francesca and Pax sadly adjust to Rick’s absence. She treasures Pax now–he’s her connection to Rick.

As World War II escalates, the government is calling for war dogs, smart, sturdy dogs that could be trained to help men in the battlefield. Although it’s a tough decision, Francesca, with Rick’s written permission, volunteers Pax into the K-9 Corps.

At first Pax is reluctant to respond to his new master’s commands. But Keller Nicholson’s gentle persuasion wins the dog’s heart and the two of them become an inseparable team, forming a strong and profound bond.

The agreement is that after service, war dogs will be returned to their original owners, but Keller has become so attached to Pax that he can’t bear to give him back. In the meantime, Rick, Pax’s original owner, has returned home with serious, life-altering injuries.

Keller goes to Rick and Francesca’s home to ask their permission to keep Pax, but he finds a difficult situation. Rick’s health needs are more than Francesca can physically cope with. The three of them form an arrangement where Keller will be Rick’s live-in aide. Pax now has all his loved ones in one place and he manages to serve his three humans.

Complications set in. Rick’s injuries are creating severe depression. An attraction between Keller and Francesca can’t be denied. As his three people struggle with feelings they can’t control, Pax, with his unconditional love and loyalty, may be their only hope.

A Man of His Own is an extraordinary novel, a captivating story about the bond between dog and human, love and loyalty, duty and sacrifice.

For more information about the author, visit

Book Review: The Walk Series

thewalk-194x300Richard Paul Evans touched my soul with the Walk Series: The Walk, Miles to Go, The Road to Grace, A Step in Faith, and Walking on Water. Each of these five books is a treasure, full of heart wrenching and heartwarming moments, bits of wisdom, humor, determination and self-discovery.

When Alan Christoffersen’s cherished wife, McKale, dies from complications after falling off her horse, his grief is indescribable. Not only that, but, unbelievably, his associate absconds with Alan’s advertising business, and the bank forecloses on his home and cars. He’s lost everything.

Alan decides to walk across America from Seattle, Washington to Key West, Florida, roughly 3,500 miles. With nothing but the pack on his back, he faces challenges both physically and emotionally, but he keeps going, determined to meet his goal.

Each book covers the section Alan treks, and in each book Alan discovers hope, healing, and the power of second chances. The series was a fast read, probably because I simply couldn’t put them down.

I highly recommend The Walk Series written by this inspirational writer. It’s a journey worth taking.

Book Review: Cascadia’s Curse

Cascadias CurseTwo elderly sisters, Emily and Laura, are jolted awake by a piercing tsunami alert warning. They and many of their Oregon coastal neighbors trudge out of their comfortable homes in the middle of a cold, dark March night and drive to a designated assembly area. A large earthquake has occurred 2,000 miles away in the Aleutian Islands.

Emily, a retired geologist, knows the destruction a tsunami could wreak. She knows enough to come prepared with emergency supplies for what could be an extended stay away from home. The assembly area begins to fill, causing tempers to flair. The sisters and a few others decide to drive further up the mountains.

In Cascadia’s Curse, a novel, J. A. Charnov brings awareness to those who live along the Cascadia Fault, or more technically the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ), that runs from northern Vancouver Island, B.C. to Cape Mendocino, California. What many would like to avoid thinking about is brought to life.

Cascadia’s Curse follows the small group that leave the main assembly and also those left behind. When the tsunami hits and then is followed by a massive earthquake, it is far worse than ever imagined. Nature continues her destruction, rearranging Oregon’s coastline. Charnov’s description of these disasters and the affect it has on its victims is vivid and realistic.

Before I retired after twenty years as a volunteer with the American Red Cross, I responded to many national disasters–tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, massive fires, earthquakes and 9/11. The disaster situations described in this book resonated with me. In any disaster scene, natural leaders emerge, as do those who resent them. There will be people who are prepared, who have given thought to survival in disaster. There will be people who have put off preparing for disaster and those who have scoffed at preparedness, who will then have to rely on others. There will be injuries; deaths; violence–caused by both nature and by man. In disasters of this magnitude, the grim fact is that you cannot count on the help of local authorities. They, too, have been overwhelmed and are concerned with their own families. Emergency vehicles are a tangled mess, roads are destroyed, power cut off, sewage lines have burst, clean water contaminated. Charnov has presented both the geological side of such a disaster as well as the human reaction to catastrophe in this realistic thriller.

I highly recommend Cascadia’s Curse. It is a gripping read and keenly describes what many feel is a pending disaster.

For more information about disaster preparedness, visit

Book Review: An Object of Beauty: A Novel

An Object of BeautyI knew Steve Martin was a comedian and actor. More recently I saw him perform on the banjo and was impressed. But an author? I hadn’t known, yet he’s written three novels, three works of nonfiction, plus plays and screenplays. I just finished An Object of Beauty, A Novel, and continue to be impressed with his talents. Not only is he an accomplished writer, he is a buyer, seller and lover of art. In this novel, he demonstrates his depth of knowledge of fine art as he weaves a story of the art world and its personalities.

The novel is written with an underlying theme in first person, Daniel Franks, an art reporter. Interestingly, the book is also presented in third person, as seen through Daniel Franks’ eyes, when dealing with Lacey Yeager, a young, ambitious art dealer who climbs New York’s art and social world. The novel takes place in the 1990s though the present time. As Lacey learns the ins and outs of dealing in art, she learns that a dealer doesn’t “have to sell paintings. All you have to do is put a good picture in front of a knowledgeable collector and stand back.” But there’s an art to that, and her ambition knows no bounds. Neither do her scruples.

An Object of Beauty is an enjoyable read as it delves into the art world and the people who run it. Twenty-two four-color art reproductions are woven throughout the novel, often as part of the story. I found the book not only entertaining, but I learned about the business side of art, its schemes and tactics.

Book Review: Dog Crazy


Dog Crazy by Meg Donohue is a fun light read targeted toward dog lovers. It would be a bonus if you happen to live in San Francisco—the descriptions of the various districts and parks are richly described as the story unfolds.

Maggie Brennan is new to San Francisco. She and her beloved dog recently moved into the downstairs apartment of her dear friend’s house. She’s opened a business as a pet bereavement counselor. Unfortunately, she knows too well the deep feeling of bereavement. Shortly after she moves to San Francisco, her dog and constant companion of 13 years, suddenly dies.

When a disheveled Anya Ravenhurst arrives for counseling, she makes it perfectly clear that she doesn’t need counseling, she needs her dog back. She’s only there because her brother insisted she needed counseling. But what she needs, she claims, is someone to help her find Billy, her dog that’s been stolen.

That might not be such an unreasonable request except for one thing: Maggie has recently developed agoraphobia. It’s been 98 days since she’s left her apartment, since her dog died.

Dog Crazy is a great read, loaded with wonderful physical and personality descriptions of all manner of dogs. It’s also an enlightening novel about the fear associated with agoraphobia and the extreme will power it takes to overcome an anxiety disorder. The book skillfully captures the special love between a human and her dog, the pain of separation, and the healing power between a dog and its owner.

To learn more about the author, visit

Book Review: Falling from Horses

FallingFromHorses_wideFind a comfy chair and settle in. Molly Gloss’ Falling from Horses is hard to put down.

Bud Frazer and Lily Shaw meet on the long bus ride from Eastern Oregon to Hollywood, California. Bud, nineteen, considers himself a pretty fair hand with horses and cattle. His folks run a ranch and he grew up knowing how to ride and rope. He has his sights set on being a stunt rider and work with the great screen cowboys of his youth. The story takes place in the 1930s.

Bud has never met anyone like Lily Shaw. She says what’s on her mind and has unwavering ambitions to become a screenwriter. The only thing these two have in common is that they arrive in Hollywood at the same time. They form a friendship and see one another from time to time, take in Sunday movies, play cards, and talk. Along the way we learn about Hollywood-style cowboying and screen writing.

Hollywood isn’t anything like Bud expects. Stunt riding is a tough business–tough on riders and especially tough on horses. Knowing the gentle care his folks give their stock, seeing the mistreatment of horses is sickening to Bud. It isn’t pretend when the movie sets run horses off cliffs, use wires to trip them while at a fast run, seriously, if not fatally, injuring both horses and riders.

The “myth of the cowboy West” carries harsh realities. Coming from the real thing, Bud’s eyes are open to these fake, fast-paced scenes. He had never run a horse so fast or recklessly while actually working on a ranch. The false bloodless fistfights are almost comical. The costumes often uncomfortable. He becomes disillusioned, but hangs in there, always hoping to get a big part.

The novel toggles between Bud’s Hollywood experiences and his youth. The narrative voice is natural and insightful; the characters real and compelling. The stark contrast between the real thing, cowboys working on ranches, and Hollywood’s interpretation, is entertaining, but also an eye-opener. Nowadays there are animal protection laws, but this book made me wonder how closely those laws are followed.

Falling from Horses is a beautifully written novel. To learn more about bestselling author, Molly Gloss, visit

Book Review: Hawkins Lane

Hawkins Lane Cover

Hawkins Lane Cover

When Ned Hawkins meets Erica Romano, they’re in the heavily forested North Cascade mountains. Ned spends a lot of his time in the woods, alone, as far away as he can get from the town of McKenzie Crossing. The townspeople make him feel trapped, unwanted, lumping him with his rough, hard-drinking relatives and his father, in prison serving a sentence for murder. Ned won’t have anything to do with his father, uncles, not even his brother, but nevertheless he’s still associated with the Hawkins clan.

Ned finds Erica Romano fly fishing with the expertise of someone who is used to handling herself in the woods. She’s happiest on horseback, fishing, or hiking in the great outdoors.

As Hawkins Lane by Judith Kirscht surges forward in time, Ned, Erica and their daughter Bonnie are a family happily living the lives of forest rangers. Their world crashes when Ned’s father is released from prison. It goes into further decline when a tragic accident affects all their lives. The family learns the truth about themselves as the result of these incidences and struggles for the strength to cope.

Hawkins Lane is a sweeping novel delving into the Hawkins’ lives, not only of Ned and Erica, but of their extended families as well. Kirscht weaves a story teemed with suspense and laced with emotions borne of shame, fear and secrets kept too long.

A fine contemporary novel and a worthy family saga, the author shows a keen sense of story. Her characterization skills are extraordinary as she captures the lives of not only Ned, Erica and Bonnie, but also of Ned and Erica’s mothers and other family members. Kirscht’s in-depth descriptions of pristine mountain wilderness are exquisite.

Hawkins Lane is available in e-format, but will soon be published in trade paperback. Whatever your preferred format, don’t miss this splendid novel. For more information about Judith Kirscht, visit


Book Review: Hattie Big Sky


When sixteen year-old Hattie Brooks receives the message that she has inherited her uncle’s homestead claim in Vida, Montana, it solves some of her immediate problems. She now has a place of her own, away from Arlington, Iowa and her spiteful aunt, one of the many relatives she’s lived with since her parents died.

As it happens, she simply trades one set of problems for another, except this time, she invests more than hard labor. She invests herself in becoming a neighbor, a friend, and a responsible member of her community. The scrubby parcel of land boasts nothing but a nine- by twelve-foot claim shack to live in and a barn to house a range horse and a cranky milk cow.

Her tasks are daunting. In order to prove the claim, she has to cultivate one-eighth of the claim, forty acres, and set four hundred eighty rods of fence–all within the remaining ten months of the claim. One of Hattie’s challenges is just to get through the Montana winter. Nothing productive toward working her claim can even be started until the ground thaws.

Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson is a delightful book written in first-person. Throughout the book she corresponds with a school chum, Charlie, who is fighting WW1 in France, and to her uncle, husband of the spiteful aunt. Through her uncle’s efforts, she becomes published in the Arlington paper and receives a small monthly income that sees her through an otherwise bleak existence. Hattie’s struggle for survival is shown in vivid detail and readers learn to admire this young woman’s grit, determination and humor. Hattie is capable of grinding hard work and raw courage, but is also the frequent recipient of the kindness of neighbors. She repays these kindnesses in her own way, endearing and binding her to the kind of friendships she has never known before.

Although this book is considered a Young Adult genre, it is delightful for any age. Hattie Big Sky is fashioned after the author’s own family history and its authenticity is obvious from the very first page.