Book Review: The Healing of Natalie Curtis

The Healing of Natalie Curtis, a historical novel by Jane Kirkpatrick, is a richly woven novel based on a true-life activist and ethno-musicologist. The story takes place in the early 1900s.

Born and raised in New York, Natalie Curtis was a classically trained pianist and singer, a child protégé. At an early age she performed brilliantly until one particular concert, a performance that went awry. From that time on, she fought sickness and depression. Her brother George, thirty, invites Natalie, now twenty-six, to join him in the west, thinking it will be good for both her physical and mental health.

A new world opens for Natalie when she happens to hear the haunting music and witness the dancing of Native Americans. With her skill and background in music, she is able to record their music—both in the form of notes on paper, and also with the “new” Edison cylinder recorder. When Natalie learns that the US Government’s Code of Offenses bans all Indian dancing, singing and even speaking in their own languages, she is determined to capture as much of their musical culture as she can. In the meantime, Natalie appeals to President Teddy Roosevelt to repeal the unjust laws. With her brother, and sometimes alone, she travels the West and Southwest to hear the many different tribes’ music and stories. Her goal is to write a book so that native music and culture will never be lost. She will name her work The Indians’ Book.

I have read, enjoyed and reviewed many books by Jane Kirkpatrick. The Healing of Natalie Curtis is high on my list of favorites. I’m always able to take away something of worth from her stories. Jane Kirkpatrick writes historical fiction, bringing to life real women, women we might not otherwise have heard about, but whose stories need to be told. Natalie Curtis was a remarkable woman and one I hadn’t known about until I read Kirkpatrick’s excellent historical novel.

Book Review: The Woman Who Smashed Codes

The Woman Who Smashed Codes by Jason Fagone is a remarkable true story about Elizebeth Smith Friedman, an American cryptanalyst extraordinaire.

In 1916 Elizebeth Smith and William Friedman met in Geneva, Illinois at Riverbank Laboratories, a highly advanced campus that pioneered modern cryptography. Soon after they married, Elizebeth and William left Riverbank in response to government offers to break codes pertaining to national security.

As Elizebeth and William branched out into the world of codebreakers, or cryptanalysts, they found that together they could solve secret messages. To them it was fun; to the country they became a vital link toward America’s security. At first they worked together. Using graph paper and pencil, they invented new techniques that transformed the science of secret writing, known as cryptology. Then, for many years they worked separately. From 1920-1930 Elizebeth worked for the American Coast Guard deciphering codes sent by bootleggers and drug smugglers. During WWII, she worked for the Treasury Department deciphering radio codes, especially from Nazi agents working in South America. William became a US Army cryptographer who ran the research division of the Army’s Signal Intelligence Service. Naturally, their work involved knowing the various languages of the countries sending the messages—Spanish, German, French, Japanese.

The world has recognized William’s work in the decades following World War II. He wrote textbooks that trained generations of codebreakers. Those who knew them both often said that Elizebeth was the more brilliant one of the pair. What held her back from public recognition was, pure and simple, gender. For instance: When massive arrests were made as the result of her codebreaking efforts of smugglers, articles and reports expressed amazement that a woman could achieve such accomplishments.

The Woman Who Smashed Codes is a well-written, detailed account of scientific and mathematical achievement. But, more than that, it’s a fascinating story that spans two World Wars, and describes in exciting detail roles the Friedmans played during those many years. The book is rich in the different facets of cryptography, with many examples of codes and code breaking, the difference between codes and ciphers, etc. People who love puzzles will be fascinated by the many examples of codes and ciphers used and how they were “broken.” The book gives a fresh view of both World Wars and the various intelligence services that it took to combat them. Although Elizebeth lived in the shadow of her accomplished husband, she served her country admirably through her own impressive capabilities and expertise.

Book Review–Doxology: A Novel

Doxology: A Novel by Tanya Long Bennett is a well-written story of tragedy, faith, hope and the power of the human spirit. The story takes place in the early 1990s, West Texas.

Maria Brown is pretty sure she’s pregnant. She’s happy about the coming baby, but she’ll wait for the doctor’s confirmation before she tells her insecure husband, Billy. At one time Billy had aspirations to attend an engineering school, but those plans were dashed when he needed to care for his ailing mother. Later, he’d gone to work for an insurance company, not a fulfilling calling, but he makes enough money for them to get by. Once they were married and Maria had finished two years of community college, she would have loved to go on to Texas Tech, but they couldn’t afford it. She planned to find work, but Billy was against it—it seems her being able to stay home is the measure of his success.

Maria finds ceramics a fulfilling hobby and something she can do without challenging Billy’s fragile ego. She has an eye for proportion and texture and loves to see objects miraculously form under her hands. Maria also spends time connecting with family: her parents, grandparents and sister. She tries to keep busy, but longs to do something meaningful with her time.

When a series of tragedies occur, Maria must call upon her inner strength to cope. The importance of family becomes even more essential. While dealing with these problems, she begins to question her faith and the purpose of life.

Maria’s poignant story is told in a folksy, first-person narrative voice. The characters are well developed and authentic. The author vividly describes the countryside with its sandy soil baked by a hot Texas sun. I enjoyed this story, was saddened when the tragedies occurred, and rejoiced when acceptance or solutions were found. It’s a story that deals with realistic and transformative views of religion, faith, and trust.

Book Review: The Flying Cutterbucks

The Flying Cutterbucks, a novel by Kathleen M. Rodgers, is a story of courage and female solidarity that takes place in the fictitious town of Pardon, New Mexico.

The story briefly begins on election day, 2020, but then reverts back to 2016 when Trudy returns to her home town to help her mother organize the family home of a lifetime of mementos.

The family has had more than its share of tragedy. Trudy’s father, a fighter-jet pilot, was shot down in North Vietnam in 1972. Major Cutterbuck is still considered Missing in Action, since his remains have never been found. Later, Trudy’s younger brother died of a brain tumor.

Soon after Trudy’s brother died, her Aunt Star came to take care of the family while Trudy’s mother[ was briefly hospitalized, overwhelmed with the death of her son and the lingering grief over the loss of her husband. During that time, the three—Trudy, her younger sister Georgia, and Aunt Star—were terrorized by an abusive man. As the result of this invasion and its ramifications, the three women formed a code of silence to protect each other.

With the 2016 election of a president who brags about groping women without their consent, the Cutterbuck women are reminded of the terrifying incident that took place many years before. They struggle to come to terms with the past, realizing it will pave the way toward a feeling of freedom and a more courageous future, yet afraid of the consequences revealing the secret might bring.

I loved The Flying Cutterbucks. It features a cast of strong women, each with their own secret burdens. With skill and sensitivity, the author tells a story of grief and terror, but also of strength and humor. The flavors of small-town New Mexico come alive with its spicy food and colorful people of various ethnic backgrounds. It’s a moving story about a loving family, the power of forgiveness, and the gifts friendships offer.

Lemhi Pass: A Doorway Through the Rockies

On a recent camping trip to Idaho and Montana, we drove through Lemhi Pass. Approaching from the Montana side on a hot, clear June day, we wandered around the summit, marveled at the sweeping views, and visited the Sacagawea Memorial. Mid-week, we were the only visitors and could take our time to soak up the history and majesty of our surroundings.

The Shoshone Indians and other tribes commonly crossed what later became known as the Continental Divide. Their footsteps and horse hooves created a clear trail for Lewis and Clark to follow in 1805. The trail through the rugged Bitterroot Range of the Rocky Mountains is a passageway between the Salmon River Valley to the west, and Horse Prairie to the east. Later, mountain men and fur traders called it “North Pass.”

A high mountain pass in the Beaverhead Mountains and part of the Bitterroot Range in the Rocky Mountains, Lemhi Pass is within Salmon-Challis National Forest. The pass lies on the Montana-Idaho border on the continental divide, at an elevation of 7,373 feet above sea level.

The name Lemhi dates back to 1855 when Mormon pioneers built Fort Limhi, named after a king in the Book of Mormon. Later the spelling was changed to Lemhi and the name remained with the land and its people, the Lemhi Shoshone.

Falling rain creates an interesting phenomena in this area. Rain falling east of Lemhi Pass drains to the Missouri and later the Mississippi River, then into the Gulf of Mexico. However, rain falling west of the pass drains into the Salmon, Snake and Columbia Rivers and eventually into the Pacific Ocean.

Lemhi Pass is a spectacular place. If you have an opportunity to visit, don’t pass up this high-level delight.

Book Review: A Yovo in Togo

“Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, for as long as you can.”
John Wesley

A Yovo in Togo: My Peace Corps Experience in West Africa 1985 to 1987 by Karen Story is a memoir rich in descriptions of Togolese and their country. The word in the title of the book, yovo, means foreigner, stranger, white person, or even rich traveler. During the two years the couple lived in Togo, they often heard themselves referred to as Yovo.

In 1985 Karen Story and her husband Brad, in their mid-twenties, left their Pacific Northwest home to an uncertain but hopeful future of bringing new skills to the people of Togo. Reaching their goals required extensive training, both in Colorado and in Togo. French is commonly spoken, and although Karen was fluent in French, Brad wasn’t and he had to achieve language proficiency. In the meantime, Karen was able to begin learning a local dialect. The training was extensive, both in language skills and cross-cultural awareness, and often seemed to drag on interminably.

After training, they were assigned their jobs and living location. Karen was trained to teach others how to build wood-conserving cookstoves; Brad’s was to teach building rain-catchment cisterns.

The author’s vivid descriptions of Togo and its people gave me a feeling of being alongside them in the beautiful but often hot, dusty, sometimes humid country. They found an endearing people, but also people in need, as in any developing country. They made many friends, but also endured being asked for money or other assistance not associated with their jobs. Men often had multiple wives and many children, sometimes resulting in inequities that were obvious to Story, but nevertheless were a part of a culture that she could do nothing about. Upon reflection, Story realized that Africa changed her more than she changed Africa.

My husband and I served with the Peace Corps in The Gambia (1979 – 1981) and I could appreciate many of Story’s good and not-so-good experiences. The author does an exceptional job of describing the people, the landscape, and the needs she and her husband worked to fulfill. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in developing world culture, specifically Africa, and certainly for anyone considering joining the American Peace Corps.

A Yovo in Togo: My Peace Corps Experience in West Africa 1985 to 1987 is available through Lulu:

Book Review: What Lies Beneath

Cynthia Leal Massey has written an intriguing, scholarly work, What Lies Beneath: Texas Pioneer Cemeteries and Graveyards.

The introduction alone is fascinating. Massey, a born and raised Texan, traveled thousands of miles to visit more than a hundred Texas cemeteries, graveyards and burial grounds. She recalls many peaceful visits to Texas cemeteries as well as some harrowing experiences. Massey’s extensive research is impressive as she tells the story of the founding of Texas through those buried in pioneer cemeteries— some stately, some abandoned—from the early days through the nineteenth century.

The large volume is enriched with many pictures reproduced from archives as well as pictures of grave sites as seen today. Throughout the book are text boxes with captivating subjects, gems such as the devastating effects of yellow fever, the difference between cemeteries and graveyards, and the history of the Texas Rangers, to name only a few. These pictures and text boxes further convey the cultural history of Texas from the period before and during its years as a Republic (1836 – 1845) and after it became the 28th state in 1845. The guide also provides descriptions of headstone features and symbols traditionally used by early Texans.

The book is organized using Texas Heritage Trail Regions, then cities, towns, unincorporated communities and forts. As the many graves are visited, the reader is taken back in time while learning about individual attitudes and challenges, and how those people helped shape what is Texas today.

What Lies Beneath: Texas Pioneer Cemeteries and Graveyards is an ambitious, well-written account of Texas history. Massey’s background in journalism and love of history shine through the pages of this valuable resource of early Texas families and their communities.

Book Review: This House of Sky

While camping in Montana, my husband and I happened to stop in the town of Seeley Lake at a small general store with a big book selection. I couldn’t resist This House of Sky: Landscapes of a Western Mind by Montana native Ivan Doig (1939 – 2015). Reading this excellent memoir was the perfect book, both for enjoying the story itself and for being surrounded by the rugged Montana landscape which Doig so aptly describes.

Ivan’s mother died of her life-long struggle with asthma, leaving his father to care for his six-year-old son while working in various jobs as a top hand on cattle ranches, or herding sheep in hilly, harsh country. After a while Ivan’s maternal grandmother came to live with them and help take care of the little boy. Although the two–father and grandmother–were often at odds, together they pooled their resources to eke out a living. They often lived in cramped, rough housing under difficult circumstances including harsh weather and grueling terrain, all while trying to tolerate one another. They did it for Ivan, to make a home for him.

I love Doig’s droll humor. His admiration for his father and grandmother shines through as they struggle for survival. Even through the tough times and sometimes harsh words, their sense of family is evident. The author’s lyrical language as he describes their hard-scrabble life kept me enthralled. I’ve read other works by this fine author and he continues to be a writer I hold in high esteem.

Caught Up in an African Coup

The anniversary of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer’s wedding forty years ago, July 29, 1981, conjures up memories of splendor for many people, but for Bruce and me it brings back scary memories.

While serving with the Peace Corps in the tiny West African country of The Gambia, we happened to be in the capital city of Banjul, 250 long miles from our “home” village in Mansajang. We had been called to the country’s Peace Corps headquarters for our exit physicals, since we were nearing the end of our two-year tour of duty and were scheduled to leave in September.

We had taken care of our business and were ready to return to Mansajang. We were traveling light since we’d only planned to be in Banjul two or three days. Much to our consternation, we couldn’t get out of Banjul—the entire city was locked down. Main intersections were blocked with tanks and military personnel carriers. Turning on the radio, we were chilled to hear frantic announcements that a military coup had effectively closed down the capitol city, the airport, and much of the country.

While the president of The Gambia, Sir Dawda Jawara, was in England to attend the royal wedding, rebels took advantage of his absence to stage a coup.

After some scurrying around, we ended up at the U.S. Ambassador’s residence. Though nice it wasn’t the grand residence usually associated with a high-ranking officer’s home. At 4,000 square feet, the concrete house wasn’t particularly large—certainly not for the 118 people seeking refuge: Americans, Germans, Swedes, Canadians, Indians, and a few tourists.

Bruce’s skills as a licensed radio operator proved to be a valuable asset. He manned both short-range and a medium-range radios, allowing communication between embassies and to the State Department in the United States.

It was a harrowing eight days of mortars thundering close-by, making the house shudder, flurries of rapid gunfire, yelling, screaming. We ran dangerously short of food, couldn’t take showers because of a diminishing water supply, the electricity was spotty, and nerves were frayed with the crowded conditions. Later we learned that more than 500 people were killed in the fray.

Amazingly, it was British Special Air Service that came to the rescue. A helicopter landed on the beach near the Ambassador’s residence and two SAS (Special Air Service) men, dressed in civilian clothes and armed with MP5s and Browning 9mm pistols, plus hand grenades, called on us, used the radio, and warned us that there soon would be heavy combat noise and to stay inside, assuring us the coup would soon end. The two men had flown in with Senegalese Forces, some of whom surrounded the residence for our protection. Within a very short time, the coup was over.

The Peace Corps people were flown to Senegal for two weeks while the country settled down. We were then free to go back to our villages. I couldn’t wait to tell my Gambian friends where we had been. But they already knew—they’d heard all about it on the drums. The talking drums, now there’s a mystery. But that’s another story.

Note: Read more about this and other stories in my memoir, TUBOB: Two Years in West Africa with the Peace Corps.

Climbing High: The St. Joe River Scenic Byway

Photo by Bruce Trimble

One of the highlights of our recent camping trip was journeying along one of Idaho’s finest scenic drives, the 89-mile St. Joe River Scenic Byway. Climbs, dips and sweeping turns produce one amazing view after another. Alternately called Forest Highway 50 and St. Joe River Road, the drive climbs from St. Maries, Idaho to Gold Pass at the Montana border. You see it all on this drive: forested mountains, towering trees, rapids, water falls, pristine streams, wildlife, and, in June wildflowers grace the hillsides.

On a side trip to Moon Pass, above Avery, the road partially follows the old Milwaukee Road rail line and one of the thrills we experienced was driving through seven decommissioned train tunnels. Blasted through solid rock, the tunnels are one lane. In some instances, the tunnels curve and we had the added thrill of hoping no one was coming from the opposite direction.

We stopped at one point to take a picture of a charming waterfall just outside a tunnel. The day was hot and the fine spray from the cascading water was a welcome relief.

Photo by Bruce Trimble

Whether you’re just driving through, hiking, biking, river rafting, kayaking, or staying at one of several peaceful campgrounds, the St. Joe River Scenic Byway is a spectacular destination. The road closes for the winter, so check travel conditions before taking in this drive. We traveled it mid-June, which was perfect.