Book Review: Dollbaby

Dollbaby, a novel by Laura Lane McNeal, is an unforgettable story that takes place in New Orleans beginning 1964.

Liberty (Ibby) Bell, twelve, is still grieving the sudden death of her father when her mother drives her from Olympia, Washington to her grandmother’s house in New Orleans, Louisiana. They arrive at an old mansion that looks as though time had passed it by a century ago. Ibby’s mother, a bitter woman, leaves her daughter at her mother-in-law’s, together with an urn of her husband’s ashes, and says, “Be sure to tell her it’s a gift from me.”

For many years Ibby expects her mother to come back for her. Her grandmother, the Black household staff, Queenie and her daughter, Dollbaby, make sure she feels welcomed and wanted.

The South in those years was another world, steeped in traditions. But much of that was about to change as the new Civil Rights Act is introduced and sit-ins, protests, and racial tensions became commonplace, along with the demonstrations over the controversial Vietnam War.

Dollbaby covers a period of eight eventful years. We learn about Ibby’s grandmother’s colorful past, feel the devotion and comfort Ibby feels from her grandmother, Queenie, and Dollbaby. Ibby learns about her family’s secrets, betrayals, and violence, but also about unconditional love. The story is packed with wonderful words of wisdom, such as, “You have to live the life given to you,” and my favorite, “You got to dance even when there ain’t no music.” Dollbaby is a remarkable story, steeped in Southern tradition and charm. I highly recommend this heartfelt novel of family, southern customs, loyalty and love.

Book Review: The Cowboy and His Elephant

The Cowboy and His Elephant: The Story of a Remarkable Friendship by Malcom MacPherson warmed my heart.

The story begins in the late 1980s on the plains of southern Africa. A baby elephant, weighing about 150 pounds, was born into a herd of elephants. A single elephant can eat more than 300 pounds of food a day necessitating a herd to constantly move in their quest for food. They can easily trample down fences and they were becoming a threat to a local tribe, eating crops in the fields, and endangering tribesmen. When the baby elephant was two years old, the entire herd was “culled,” slaughtered within a few moments. Only the baby’s life was spared. She was named Amy and transported to America to be sold.

Bob Norris was a successful Colorado cattle rancher and horse breeder. The T-Cross Ranch was one of the larger ranches in North America. A handsome fellow, Bob became the Marlboro Man and appeared on TV and billboards all over the world. But that’s another story. One day a fellow came by the T-Cross asking if he could temporarily rent some stalls in Bob’s huge barn. The fellow needed a place to house a few baby elephants, just until they were sold. He managed to sell all but Amy. Norris’s heart went out to the pitiful little thing. She was obviously severely traumatized, terrified and bewildered. He bought the elephant, knowing how incongruous having an elephant on a ranch would be, but not fully realizing the impact it would have on his life.

An incredible bond developed between the rancher and the baby elephant. Bob felt his first obligation was to help Amy overcome her fear of the world, of her mistrust of humans. Gradually she began to trust him and to discover how to play with some of the ranch animals. Amy would accompany Bob on chores and became a beloved member of the Norris family. Her intelligence was obvious. She learned to open gates, to turn on faucets, to outsmart the other animals.

Elephants continue to grow throughout their life. It was clear that Amy’s life on the T-Cross could not go on forever. Bob’s goal was to help her develop confidence. Her bulk and grace were obvious. Bob discovered there was no better friend, but if she chose, no worse enemy. She needed to be with other elephants, to find her real place in the world. Bob’s goal now was to find a permanent home for Amy, a challenge that took time, determination and resources.

I loved The Cowboy and His Elephant which deals with two of my favorite subjects: cowboys and elephants. The author vividly describes the various settings of the story, the strong personalities of both Bob and Amy, and the plight of the elephant in the wild, and in captivity.

Caught in Conflict

My heart goes out to the civilians caught up in the conflict between rival factions of the military in Sudan that began in April 2023. The warring conflict reminds me of the terror we experienced during an attempted coup d’ etat while we served with the Peace Corps in the tiny West African country of The Gambia.

In 1981 my husband, Bruce, and I happened to be in the capital city of Banjul, 250 long miles from our village in Mansajang. We had been called to the country’s Peace Corps headquarters for our exit physicals, since we were nearing the end of our two-year tour of duty and were scheduled to leave in September. We traveled light since we’d only planned to be in Banjul two or three days.

We had taken care of our business and were ready to return to Mansajang. Much to our consternation, we couldn’t get out of Banjul—the entire city was locked down. Main intersections were blocked with tanks and military personnel carriers. Turning on the radio, we were chilled to hear frantic announcements that a military coup had effectively closed down the capitol city and much of the country.

While the president of The Gambia, Sir Dawda Jawara, was in England to attend the royal wedding of Prince Charles and Diana, rebels took advantage of his absence to attempt a coup.

After some scurrying around, we ended up at the U.S. Ambassador’s residence. Though nice it wasn’t the grand residence usually associated with a high-ranking officer’s home. The concrete house wasn’t particularly large—certainly not for the 118 people seeking refuge: Americans, Germans, Swedes, Canadians, Indians, and a few tourists.

Bruce’s skills as a licensed radio operator proved to be a valuable asset. He manned both short-range and a medium-range radios, allowing communication between embassies and to the State Department in the United States.

It was a harrowing eight days of mortars thundering close-by, making the house shudder, plus flurries of rapid gunfire, yelling, and screaming. We ran dangerously short of food, couldn’t take showers because of a diminishing water supply, the electricity was spotty, and nerves were frayed with the crowded conditions. Later we learned that more than 500 people were killed in the fray.

Amazingly, it was British Special Air Service commandos and troops from neighboring Senegal who came to the rescue. A helicopter landed on the beach near the Ambassador’s residence and two Special Air Services men, dressed in civilian clothes and armed with MP5s and Browning 9mm pistols, plus hand grenades, called on us, used the radio, and warned us that there soon would be heavy combat noise and to stay inside, assuring us the coup would soon end. The two men had flown in with Senegalese Forces, some of whom surrounded the residence for our protection. Within a very short time, the coup was over.

We Peace Corps people were flown in a US Military C-130 to Senegal for two weeks while the country settled down. We were then free to go back to our villages. I couldn’t wait to tell my Gambian friends where we had been. But they already knew—they’d heard all about it on the drums. The talking drums, now there’s a mystery. But that’s another story.

Note: Read more about this and other stories in my memoir, TUBOB: Two Years in West Africa with the Peace Corps.

Book Review: To Dream of Shadows

To Dream of Shadows: A Gripping Holocaust Novel Inspired by a Heartbreaking True Story, Book 1 of the series “World War II Historical Fiction”: by Steve N. Lee is a gripping novel that takes place in Eastern Europe, 1943.

Inge Zaleska, 18, travels with her Jewish family in a crowded cattle car after being forced out of their Czechoslovakian home. Once they reach their destination she is torn from her family and placed in a Nazi concentration camp. The detainees are forced into hard labor with no decent food, warmth, adequate clothing, or medical attention.

Although SS Sergeant Rudi Kruse has been force-fed the poisonous hate-Jews philosophy since childhood, he begins to question the unnecessary cruelty he sees at the concentration camp. Harsh conditions take lives unnecessarily. Prisoners are starved, beaten, forced to stand in the cold for hours during roll call. Their treatment is not only counter-productive, it’s sadistic.

When the commandant is injured and must leave the camp for treatment, Rudi is placed in charge pro tem and will stay at the commandant’s home. At the same time, the commandant’s housekeeper, a prisoner, is recovering from a broken leg in the infirmary and Inge is ordered to temporarily fulfill those duties.

As Rudi and Inge become acquainted, Rudi learns more about the plight of Jewish prisoners. He begins to see them as people, not really different than other people. He realizes the huge difference between being a good German and a good Nazi. Rudi and Inge see each other as just people with the same wants and desires. At her suggestions, he makes some comfort changes in the camp: warm coats, adequate shoes, more and better food. But at some point it has to end, the commandant will return to duty. But even more troubling, Rudi and Inge begin to fall in love. Is it even possible for them to have a future together?

To Dream of Shadows is a gripping story of hate, but also awakening compassion and surprisingly, love. I would recommend this book especially to those interested in World War II and how people in that time and place were affected. It profoundly shows how honesty, decency and kindness can change the world.

Book Review: Dancing with the Muse in Old Age

Dancing with the Muse in Old Age by Priscilla Long is an inspirational guide to thriving in old age. The author, a senior, discusses the potential of being happy, creative and productive in life’s later years.

The author gives example after example of elders who have accomplished remarkable achievements after reaching their senior years. Some continued with activities of their younger years; some found new interests in which they excelled, or at least found contentment.

Active seniors report that accomplishments started and completed bring satisfaction and a profound sense of well-being. Among the important lessons of the book is keep at it, keep learning, keep stimulating the brain. She quotes Mary Kay Ash (1918 – 2001): “If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you’re right.” No matter your age, it’s important to continue to learn. Like any part of the body, the brain demands that you “use it or lose it.”

Many elders find satisfaction in giving back to society by volunteering, donating time for the benefit of others—teaching children to read, sewing, quilting, knitting, making wooden toys. Seniors do it for the joy of giving, of making a difference. Elders often have the time to go slower, to enjoy the process of finishing what they’ve started. Finishing itself is a skill and brings a sense of accomplishment. The author gives many examples of artists and musicians who benefitted from elders’ knowledge and expertise.

Dancing with the Muse in Old Age is loaded with profound thoughts. Priscilla Long provides evidence that meaningful activities increase the possibility of experiencing deeply satisfying old age.

Book Review: Riding with Ghosts

Riding with Ghosts: Searching for Resolution on the Road by Tom Carter is a remarkable story of a life-changing bicycle journey.

On a hot 1984 summer day, Tom Carter steers his bicycle from Placerville, California destined for his native Utah. As he seeks a new lease on life, Carter hopes to find resolution and peace with his deceased father.

As Carter sets out from mid-California, he shares bits of area and personal history. Twice divorced and a father of two grown daughters, Carter tells of accomplishments and regrets. His bicycle carries 50 pounds of gear distributed around the bike. Most of the time he camps out, either pitching a tent in designated campgrounds or in wooded areas, but once in awhile he rents a room for a night.

In his travels he fights headwinds, traffic, and negative thoughts–always seeking inner peace. Carter and his father had on-going struggles to understand each other, and now, as the journey progresses, he relives those moments, trying to put them in prospective.

I am impressed with pedaling the many up-hill climbs, and the tenacity and determination that effort took, always looking out for traffic. He often felt vulnerable and exhausted, but many times elation. Sometimes he longed for human companionship, and occasionally found it, but was most often alone with his memories on the solo journey.

I found the author’s adventure remarkable. I enjoyed revisiting many of the places he traveled. But when my husband and I visited some of those areas, we had the luxury of a camper, where Carter was much more vulnerable traveling by bicycle, pitching a small tent, or not, and eating only what he could carry or purchase in small quantities, occasionally enjoying a meal in a restaurant. I appreciated the bits of history he shared and imagining those places as they once were, and seeing how they appeared in 1984. Peddling about 15 miles per hour, Carter takes us from California, Oregon, Washington, Canada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and finally to his destination in Ogden, Utah.

People who love adventure will enjoy Riding with Ghosts, especially those interested in introspection. Carter’s description of the countryside is vivid. The book would also serve as a guide for anyone taking on such an adventure.


It’s like viewing the perfect mural—row upon row of dazzling color—brilliant red, sparkling yellow, vivid pink, rakish purple. Though picture-perfect, they’re real, these delightful tulip fields of the Skagit Valley. Not only tulips, but daffodils and iris grace these lovely fields. Although Mother Nature dictates the bloom dates, daffodils bloom first, followed by tulips and finally, iris.

Now extended to cover the entire month of April, this year’s 40th annual Skagit Valley Tulip Festival also features, in addition to viewing the blooming fields, a packed schedule of events including art shows.

Since the mid-1930s, spring-time visitors to the Skagit Valley have marveled at the striking beauty of tulip, daffodil and iris fields. Northwest Washington, particularly in the Skagit Valley, has become world- famous for its seasonal showcase and for its commercial bulb production. Washington Bulb Company, the nation’s largest tulip, daffodil and iris producer, makes its headquarters in Skagit Valley.

As it happens, the Northwest has perfect bulb-growing climate with cool moist winters, which encourages root growth. Also, relatively cool spring and summer weather helps control diseases common in hotter places. Another factor is well-balanced, level and well-drained soil.

Those who are returning to enjoy the springtime hues will notice that those fields seen last year frequently will not have the same crop this year. That is because flower bulbs, like many other crops, must be rotated to preserve the soil and reduce pest populations. The flowers rotate to their original field about every five years.

Tulip Festival maps are available at many Skagit Valley stores, but it isn’t necessary to have a map to enjoy the blossoms. Signs indicate the “Tulip Route,” or you may simply drive along until you see a field. If there is a pull-off, park and enjoy the view, or even walk along designated paths. Remember, for some traffic on the road, it’s business as usual and drivers aren’t expecting sudden stops. Also, this is a busy time of year for farmers and heavy equipment will be moving about, so please be patient.

The Skagit Valley growers ask for your cooperation in touring the fields. Be aware that only certain fields are open to visitors. Always observe private property; please don’t trespass to get a picture. Enter only those fields with signs posted that visitors are welcome. Never pick a flower—cut flowers are available for sale at various stands.

To get there: The blooming fields are 60 miles north of Seattle, directly off I-5 using exists 221 through 236. All of these exits have tulip brochures at the nearest businesses. The fields are spread out over a 15-mile radius and events are scattered around the entire county. Festival site guide maps are available.

For more information, visit or call (360) 428-5959.

Book Review: Captured Secrets

Captured Secrets, Book 1 of the “Seven Tine Ranch Romance Book” series by Carmen Peone is a highly suspenseful contemporary Western that takes place on the Colville Indian Reservation in north central Washington.

Sydney Moomaw bids her parents farewell as they leave on vacation from the Seven Tine, their 210-acre guest ranch. But tragically, on the way to the airport they are involved in a car accident and both her parents are killed. Sydney, divorced after sixteen years of marriage, also makes her home at the guest ranch and is now left in charge. While sorting through ranch records, she discovers that the ranch is in serious debt. When her sister learns of the ranch’s dire financial status, she feels they should sell, but Sydney refuses to let go of the ranch she loves.

A mutual friend brings photographer Trey Hardy to the ranch. Trey is on a working-vacation and sees great photography opportunities in the area. He was raised on an Arizona ranch and sees potential in the Seven Tine, but is especially drawn to Sydney. His offers of assistance are rebuffed; Sydney’s independence and stubbornness won’t allow her to accept his help. Although she is a person of faith, she is overwhelmed with the threat of losing the ranch and all that is dear to her.

Sydney has never recovered from a bad marriage to a mean, violent man. Could the mental, emotional, and physical scars of abuse her ex-husband afflicted ever allow her to heal? Although attracted to Trey, she wouldn’t, couldn’t allow herself to trust him, to open herself up to the possibility of more disappointment and heartache.

Captured Secrets is a highly engrossing novel. It’s a story that is steeped in Native values and faith, yet with incidents that threaten the trust and confidence required by strong belief. It’s about accepting help from those you can trust, and opening your heart to hidden blessings. This is a novel that would be appealing to teens and adults who enjoy western settings and ranch life.

Book Review: The Sweet Taste of Muscadines

The Sweet Taste of Muscadines: A Novel by Pamela Terry is a beautifully written story about love of family, of self, and of truth.

Twins Lila Bruce Breedlove and Henry Breedlove learn that their mother, Geneva, died suddenly at their family home in Wesleyan, Georgia. Mysteriously, she was found in the muscadine arbor with a spoon in her hand while in bedclothes. To their knowledge, Geneva had never stepped foot in the tiny grape arbor.

Both Lila and Henry left home after graduating from high school. Lila, a widow after twenty-two years of marriage, lives in Maine and is a successful weaver whose one-of-a-kind creations are eagerly sought after. Henry and his lover, Andrew, live in Rhode Island and run a successful art business. Their younger sister Abigail still lives in Wesleyan, Georgia. The twins return to Wesleyan for their mother’s funeral.

Lila and Henry have mixed feelings about their mother, Geneva. They’ve never felt close to her and always had a sense that she resented them. Geneva was closest to Abigail; the two considered themselves “best friends.” Their father, a Baptist minister, died several years before while a chaplain in Vietnam.

The story is written in the voice of Lila as she observes her home town. As she says, the South is not for the faint of heart. Its hardfast traditions are sacred, and when the family learns Geneva had dictated she will not have a funeral, the town is scandalized. It’s unheard of in the South. Even criminals have funerals. But, true Southern hospitality shines through shock as family and friends plan a gathering at Geneva’s home.

As Lila and Henry gather stories from friends and relatives, they realize their mother had a hidden life, a life shrouded in lies. One thing leads to another as the twins delve into their parents’ hidden secrets. The mystery leads them to Scotland where they discover their family’s past.

The Sweet Taste of Muscadines is a marvelous novel that kept me spellbound. A native southerner, author Pamela Terry offers vivid descriptions of its people, landscape and weather. I could feel the heavy southern summer air, smell the rich soil. Her metaphors are stunning. Lila, speaking of her twin brother: “….the love I felt for my brother draped itself around me like an angel’s wings.” This is a story that will stay with me for a long time.

Book Review: The Long Cold Winter

The Long Cold Winter, Book Two of the “509 Crime Stories” by Colin Conway is a gripping mystery novel that takes place in Spokane, Washington, 2017.

Detective Dallas Nash is a recent widower and it’s all he can do to get out of bed. He’s called back to work, but his heart really isn’t into it. Yet he knows he should, he needs to put his mind on something other than his terrible loss. On the way to work he visits his wife’s grave, and again feels the pain of losing her.

To ease him back into working Major Crimes, his supervisor assigns Dallas a cold case. It’s a murder dating back to 1987. Going over the file, Dallas realizes he recognizes the victim–a girl who went to the same high school. He even remembers cruising Spokane’s main drag with friends on a Friday night and one of the fellows, a friend of a friend, points out the girl and says that she’s his girlfriend.

Before he can begin working the case, he’s called out on a murder just discovered. A snow-covered body lies in an open field. The detective has no witnesses and no suspects. So now he has both a recent murder and a thirty-year-old murder to solve.

Author Colin Conway does a good job of describing the mind of a detective. It’s winter in Spokane and Detective Nash spends much of his time battling snow and slush. It’s hard enough working in these conditions, but even tougher when battling depression over losing his beloved wife. Yet he pushes on with surprising results.

People who like mysteries will enjoy this highly suspenseful novel. Those who attended high school or college in the late eighties and early nineties will probably recognize the music titles that haunt Detective Nash. I enjoyed the jargon between the detectives, and learning about the police procedures used in solving cases. Many of the references to the Spokane area were familiar to me. Although I live in the western part of the state, we’ve spent a lot of time in eastern Washington, which constitutes nearly two-thirds of the entire state. The author does a good job of creating a sense of place and time.