Book Review: My Own Words

My Own Words by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933 – 2020) with authorized biographers Mary Hartnett and Wendy W. Williams is a compilation of talks and published papers written by one of the most influential voices of our time.

In this fascinating book, Ruth Bader Ginsburg discusses her life as a judge, gender equality, how the highest law in the land works, and the value of looking at other countries when interpreting the U.S. Constitution. RBG began her law practice at the beginning of the seventies when the subject of women’s human rights was nowhere to be found in law casebooks.

We often think of gender equality from a woman’s point of view, but RGB fought for men’s equality as well. In one case, a single man who took care of his widowed mother fought for a tax deduction, the same as a woman caretaker would receive.

Ginsburg had a brilliantly analytical mind along with a delightful entertaining wry streak. She was deeply involved with her family. She taught law and fought for equalization in women’s opportunities in colleges regarding admissions policies, financial aid, and placement of graduates.

In her talks she sites examples of state laws of inequality, as in a 1975 Iowa court case that declared a parent could stop supporting a daughter when she reached 18 years of age, but required parental support for a son until he turned 21.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s energy and work ethics demonstrated what matters most is equality for everyone regardless of race, sex, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, and other group characteristics. She was totally dedicated to her job and devoted her life toward the betterment of our nation’s attitude toward equality for all.

My Own Words is a delightful compilation of RBG’s attitudes and beliefs. Her biographers have presented some of RBG’s most important achievements through her talks and published papers. The book was published in 2018, two years before RBG’s death. At 400 pages, It’s a good-sized volume, and loaded with the esteemed Supreme Court Justice’s wisdom and sharp wit.

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